laspy.laswriter module


class laspy.laswriter.LasWriter(dest: BinaryIO, header: LasHeader, do_compress: Optional[bool] = None, laz_backend: Optional[Union[LazBackend, Iterable[LazBackend]]] = None, closefd: bool = True, encoding_errors: str = 'strict')[source]

Bases: object

Allows to write a complete LAS/LAZ file to the destination.

__init__(dest: BinaryIO, header: LasHeader, do_compress: Optional[bool] = None, laz_backend: Optional[Union[LazBackend, Iterable[LazBackend]]] = None, closefd: bool = True, encoding_errors: str = 'strict') None[source]
  • dest (file_object) – file object where the LAS/LAZ will be written

  • header (LasHeader) – The header of the file to be written

  • do_compress (bool, optional) – Whether the file data should be written as LAS (uncompressed) or LAZ (compressed). If None, the file won’t be compressed, unless a laz_backend is provided

  • laz_backend (LazBackend or list of LazBackend, optional) – The LazBackend to use (or if it is a sequence the LazBackend to try) for the compression

  • closefd (bool, default True) – should the dest be closed when the writer is closed

  • encoding_errors (str, default 'strict') – How encoding errors should be treated. Possible values and their explanation can be seen here:

write_points(points: PackedPointRecord) None[source]


If you are writing points coming from multiple different input files into one output file, you have to make sure the point record you write all use the same scales and offset of the writer.

You can use LasData.change_scaling() or ScaleAwarePointRecord.change_scaling() to do that.


points (PackedPointRecord or ScaleAwarePointRecord) – The points to be written


LaspyException – If the point format of the points does not match the point format of the writer.

write_evlrs(evlrs: VLRList) None[source]

Writes the EVLRs to the file


evlrs (VLRList) – The EVLRs to be written


LaspyException – If the file’s version is not >= 1.4

close() None[source]

Closes the writer.

flushes the points, updates the header, making it impossible to write points afterwards.